Tohmath Grappa 250

Tohmath Grappa 250.1

Tohmath Lure

The hand made lure builder "Toumatsu" from Nagoya,Japan presents beautifuland attractive works. They have been demonstrated as GT lures in many different locations. For example, Indonesia,(Bali,Komodo) Japan,(Amami Is.Okinawa Is. Miyako Is.) Fiji and Maldives
トーマス グラッパ シリーズ (Tohmath Grappa)


サイズSize 30g,50g,70g,100g,130g,160g,200g,250g

カラーラインナップ (カラーはお時間をいただけましたらオーダーも可能です)

Tohmath Grappa

Thomath Grappa has the function of popper and swimmer. It perform great
that already made an impressive record of achievement. The shape of the
lure concerning air resistance.For that reason,cast long distance easily.
Yello fin tuna reacts on Grappa good also.

Size:30g, 50g, 70g, 100g, 130g, 160g, 200g and 250g

Tohmath Grappa 250.2Tohmath Grappa 250.3Tohmath Grappa 250.4Tohmath Grappa 250.5Tohmath Grappa 250.6

© 2015 PROSHOP FISHING の 君子海釣遠征釣具專門店,Design by David.